How to make Hentai Anime

What is Hentai, anyway?

First, a quick lesson: The word “hen” in Japanese means unusual, and “tai” means want or desire, whereas “anime” literally just means cartoons. Hentai is literally referring to the kinkier stuff, whereas Anime just means cartoons.

We have SFW, NSFW anime, like this effect that makes clothes explode:

… and then there’s NSFW “Hentai”, the much harder stuff.

The Easy Way: Recipes

The basic way to get started is to choose an anime recipe.  Just scroll sideways on our recipes menu and you’ll find them.  There’s quite a few.

Advanced Mode:

If you’re going with advanced mode, Base Models like Hassaku or AOHard are a good place to start.  For more, look for the Hentai Tag in the concepts picker.

Not all anime base models can do hentai well, so that’s why there are two tags to guide you.

Creating AI anime is easier than you think, but when you start to explore the advanced options, you’re going to be blown away. Without having to type a word, you can get into over a thousand of these poses, characters, and effects.

We also have literally hundreds of anime effects and poses, far to many to name here.  Hit the models area to explore them, and create an account to render them!